Faith-based Designs

Humble Co. was birthed from a place of Faith, in 2022. Initially, was established in 2018 and rebranded. I am a Wife and a Mom of 5 beautiful children. I was inspired to start Humble Co. as a Disciple and Servant for the Kingdom of God, as well as my PASSSION for sharing the gospel through Holy Spirit designed apparel.

My daughter, Jayla Slaughter is my Co Partner and Designer. She Loves Jesus with all of her heart! Jayla and I have the same VISION to bring the gospel Nationwide and get Bibles to those in need of one ALL OVER the World!

Humble Co shares the word of God through designs intended to inspire and enlighten. In these times, we want our apparel to remind others we meet, that no matter what there is Freedom and Hope in Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 11:6: "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."